

"Rosie the Riveter" is a cultural icon representing the American woman working during WWII. She symbolizes the strong, independent woman of that time. -- Now, more than 70 years later, the symbol stands as strong as she. I am proud to be a woman and am grateful for other brave women before me that endured the struggle of sexism and paved the equal path to our society today.

These are the confessions, lessons learned and experiences from my life. A single, independent, strong, young professional woman living in a busy Downtown city in Northern California.

Embracing my domesticity while enjoying the freedom of being perfectly lonely.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Relationship Season! - AKA: Winter


Sweatpants are in & bikinis are out! Soup, fireplace, hot chocolate...and boyfriend weather! Forget Thanksgiving or Christmas...'Tis the relationship season! 

DISCLAIMER: No Offense! If you just made it "Facebook Official", I wish you the best! But around April/May...if you change that status again, know you were struck by Cupid's twin brother, Winter Lovin'.

I admit that I have participated in this love affair. It's freakin' freezing & stormy outside! Who wouldn't want someone to snuggle up to on those Friday nights when you don't want to face winter. -Even though I have always thought it was nice to have the alcohol-induced-jacket to keep you warm.-

When did this phenomenon begin? Is it human nature? A survival instinct?

I mean damn, I don't want to take out my trash in the summer, but when it's pouring outside, you've got to be kidding me! If I could sweet talk a man in my life to do those little things when it's especially freezing, I would! I just think the whole seasonal relationship is a messy dance. The Honeymoon Phase is blazing hotter than than fireplace but as the fire dwindles...will your relationship also? Is it worth it?

I know some people who are consistently in winter-relationships with the same person, the same time, every year. After their slutty Halloween costume is packed away, they pull out their "I <3 my boy/girlfriend" sweater. (P.S. - I love a good slutty Halloween costume but that's a different blog post entirely.)

In  my personal experience, I would vote no. Once springs rolls (spring rolls, yum!) around, couples start itching for personal space, the arguments heat up as the weather does and thoughts of summer time are in the near future. Relationships take a lot of time, emotion, effort...all things that I don't give up unless I know it's serious. As much as I would love a boo-thing to keep me warm on those nights in the house, that is what Marley is for. Take up a hobby, try something new, date lots of people!! One of my favorite things to do is cook new recipes for a group of friends. It's a perfect excuse to invite people over for a Friday Night-In instead of going out.

You can do it people! I believe in you! Don't say yes to a relationship because you feel like it is a winter accessory...say yes because you mean it and want the relationship to go further.

Who knows, maybe I'm the crazy one. If you asked the famous & legen...wait for it...dary Dean Martin, he probably would say I am.....for as he sang:

But though the snow is gone, the romance lingers on
and those who said it didn't stand a chance
will know when they see us together
that love is not controlled by the weather
And all of our summers, we'll have our winter romance.

What do you think? Are you/have you been in a winter-romance? Tell me your thoughts & experiences!

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